Baby Leo

It’s been a while since I sat down and blogged. This winter has been a crazy one. We got our house all ready for foster caring little ones, I’ve been slowly working on my studio and business revamp, and I have just been enjoying the quiet months. I think it’s important to just slow down once in a while and just do things for you. Especially us moms. I joined the YMCA and got into a great workout routine that I love. Freya and Lincoln have been going to the child care there 2 hours a day and they love it and it’s so great getting them out and interacting with other kiddos other than our family. Of course now we are in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 quarantines we are all living through. It’s been an experience so far (I mean we aren’t even a week in) but I’m enjoying it I enjoy having my kids home…. I mean ask me that in a few weeks we will see if I will say the same. It’s definitely an adjustment lol. So I figured while I had some time I would do a new blog post of a cute little dude I photographed early last winter. Baby Leo is my Sawyer’s kindergarten teachers baby, and seriously he is so super duper cute. I hope everyone loves these and I hope everyone is doing the best they can during this crazy time in all our lives. Stay safe and stay healthy!!!!!


